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Annual Fund

 For it is in giving that we receive. - St. Francis of Assisi

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*If choosing to give monthly on a recurring basis, please know that the amount of your pledge will be calculated by the number of months left until the end of our fiscal year (July 2025). For example, if you begin your recurring gift payments in September, you will make 11 gifts. If you choose to begin payments in October, you will make 10 gifts, and so on. *If your pledge intention is different than stated above, please contact

Please send Matching Gift paperwork to: StJPII Development Office, 1400 Parkway Plaza, Houston, TX 77077 or  (In accordance with IRS regulations, please note that no goods or services were given in exchange for this gift.)

St. John Paul II Catholic School's mission is to prepare all students spiritually and academically to succeed in life and to do God's will, and our Annual Fund Drive is one of the main vehicles that makes our mission possible. Meeting our Annual Fund goal each year is critical to providing the quality programs and teachers that make our StJPII community so special. The school must raise $575,000 in this fiscal year to meet its operating budget.

Giving Levels:
  • $10,000+ Our Lady of Czestochowa
  • $5,000-$9,999 St. Faustina
  • $3,000-$4,999 Vatican
  • $2,000-$2,999 St. Peter
  • >$1,999 Saints Supporters

Donors giving in the Vatican level and above will be invited to an appreciation event hosted by StJPII Administration.

Thank you for making St. John Paul II Catholic School a charitable priority! All donors will be gratefully acknowledged in the Annual Report if payments are received by July 31, 2025. StJPII is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and as such your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Our benefactors are direct blessings from the Lord. We pray gratefully in Mass and every day that the Lord will provide for all your needs, as you are doing for us. Thank you!