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St. John Paul II PTO: A Closer Look at What We Do

Our PTO plays an important role at St. John Paul II Catholic School: it provides many of the benefits our children, parents, and teachers enjoy. We are not merely a fundraising machine; rather, we strive to create a stronger community, an enriched experience for our students, and a more pleasant environment for our teachers and staff. Here is a sample of the programs and activities we organize, staff with volunteers, and/or support financially:

  • Ambassador Family program and its hospitable Saints Welcome and Ice Cream Social for new StJPII families
  • Hands-on student programs such as Art-a-La-Carte for students in PK-3 and the Community Garden in our school courtyard
  • Fun, student-focused activities, Birthday Recognition, Class Christmas Parties, Snacks with Santa, & Fun In The Sun Day
  • Community support through our Bread Basket to assist StJPII families in difficult times
  • Room Parent support and Library Aides to assist our teachers during the school day
  • Volunteer assistance with Mass and religious events through our Altar Society
  • A continuous supply of delicious food for staff and faculty at monthly Faculty Meetings, First Friday lunches, and themed, catered Staff Appreciation Luncheons twice a year
  • Our Spirit Store offers StJPII logo-embossed items and apparel to show school spirit and donates numerous items for school events
  • Teacher and staff gifts given at 'Back-to-School' time, Christmas, our bi-annual Staff Appreciation Luncheons, and the end-of-the-year “thank-you” gifts
  • Monthly Teacher Wish List drawings, awarding 3 teachers each month with $200 to use for their classrooms to purchase supplies that benefit our students’ education
  • Hospitality service at numerous school functions, like Grandparents’ Day, New Student Testing, New Family Registration, Saints Welcome, and PTO meetings
  • Box Tops provide funds for useful school items to help improve our children’s educational experience


How does all this work?
Our generous, resourceful parents and supporters: YOU DO!  Through initiative and hard work, the PTO has grown into a thriving group of active volunteers who are generous with their time and resources. We are grateful for every involved parent, as each one is already a member.  No contribution of time or energy goes unnoticed. Every parent is encouraged to get involved in the PTO to support our wonderful Catholic school.

Click the links below for more information: