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House System

The House System- Saint Families

In November of 2018, St. John Paul II Catholic School (StJPII) introduced a House system for the student body. The Houses at StJPII are based on our long-standing tradition of Saints Families.

StJPII's House system promotes unity, school spirit, leadership, and most importantly, spirituality. Students will learn to live the virtues of their assigned House while they model the character of our community of saints.

The four Houses of StJPII are named for the Holy Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of these Houses is made of up approximately 15 Saints Families, which are smaller groups representing students from each grade. Every Tuesday, students will wear their “House” shirts, which are all designated with a unique color, so they can identify themselves with other members of their House and Saints Family.

Saint Family Crest – Live the Gospel, Model the Saint

Saint Family Crest Symbolism:

I.                   House of Matthew: COMPASSION represented by angel wings (purple shirts)

II.                 House of Mark: COURAGE represented by a knight (red shirts)

III.               House of Luke: SERVICE represented by heart and hands (green shirts)

IV.               House of John: FAITH represented by the Bible (blue shirts)

House of Matthew

House of Mark

House of Luke

House of John