StJPII cannot offer Elementary Sports without you! We need you!! All of our coaches are volunteer approved parents. As a coach you will have the entire StJPII family behind you for support along with coaching clinics and our Positive Coaching online classes.
You’ll get to spend more time with your child! Your child might only be 6-years-old now but there will come a time that she will naturally start to spend more time with friends and teammates and less time hanging out with mom and dad. Coaching his or her team is a wonderful way to keep a strong connection.
You’ll expand your social network! Let’s face it, it’s not always easy for busy adults to make new friends. But getting involved in our kids’ teams can be an introduction to like-minded families who value physical activity and sometimes life-long bonds are forged.
You’ll come away with a sense of pride and accomplishment! Goals don’t always need to be that huge … hitting the ball for the first time can be just as rewarding as hitting a home run to a player and to a coach who has worked tirelessly on helping that player reach that milestone.
You’ll have fun! The number one reason kids play a sport is because it’s fun. And honestly, so is coaching. Remember, kids STOP playing sports when they stop having fun.