The St.John Paul II Library Mission is dedicated to furthering the school’s mission by: providing a learning environment to meet school library standards and to promulgate Christian and Catholic values through access and information literacy instruction in both print and non-print formats, for students, teachers, staff, administrators, and parents.
Library Goals
- Provide resources and activities that promote the faith values of the school
- Foster lifelong learners through library instruction and best practices
- Furnish materials for academic needs and pleasure reading
- Initiate leadership and cooperation with school community for instruction and assistance in the use of technology and research tools
- Present a balanced collection for the needs, curriculum, and mission of the school
- Seek input as to the effectiveness of the library program
- Promote collaboration with the school administration as well as the technology committee by best serving the needs of the school within the school community and with the greater community
- Strive to meet or exceed standards for school libraries through number of titles per student
- Seek professional development to keep abreast of educational and technological trends
- Maintain high expectations for care of facility and materials
Library and Information Skills Curriculum
Sherry Lamb, MLS
Certified Librarian
29 years serving the StJPII Community
MLS - University of North Texas
BA - University of St. Thomas