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Dear St. John Paul II Catholic School Visitor,

On behalf of the St. John Paul II Catholic School community, I would like to first welcome you to our StJPII website.  I am so appreciative in your interest in St. John Paul II.  I hope you will enjoy learning about the students, the programs, and the family here at StJPII. 

As Catholic educators, we are committed to cultivating life-long learners while fostering and promoting a rich faith foundation.   The mission of St. John Paul II Catholic School is to prepare all students spiritually and academically to succeed in life and to do God’s will.  This statement is the driving force into all decisions here at St. John Paul II from hiring of staff, educational program, overall budget allocation, and strategic planning in order to do what is best for all students.

As a four time National Blue Ribbon School, St. John Paul II Catholic School continues to provide a challenging academic curriculum which exceeds the state standards while offering a quality fine arts and athletic program to allow students to grow and develop their personal talents and interests. We also believe in instilling organizational and study skills to nurture student responsibility as well as prepare them for the challenges ahead.

St. John Paul II is proud to have a dedicated and talented staff that daily lives out our mission as they educate and nurture the children we serve.  We are fortunate to have an involved community including parents and generous benefactors that have contributed over the years to provide exceptional facilities that are functional and desirable to the learning environment.

Thank you again for your interest in St. John Paul II Catholic School.  Enjoy your visit to our website and I hope you will soon visit the campus where you will find evidence of Christ’s love embedded with academic excellence.
In Him we Trust,
Rebecca Bogard, M. Ed.

Rebecca Bogard
